Wednesday 16 July 2008

Village Committee Meeting 16th July 2008

-In spite of wet weather, the Fete was very successful and raised £3,563 after expenses.
-Dog Show was a great success. It attracted extra people and people stayed longer so games, barbecue and teas all benefited. Problems with licensing will be addressed for next event.
-'Time Team' speaker is being organised by Sarah Lever for Fri 26th Sept.
-Hall is due for redecoration inside.
-Helen from Mill End Nursery has very generously offered to hold a Plant Sale and winter basket-making demonstration and workshops at the Nursery in September. Proceeds to the Church and Village Hall. Help will be needed with refreshments.
-Next meeting (to finalise Plant Sale arrangements) Wednesday 3rd Sept. 8pm.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Committee Meeting and AGM 9th April 2008

- Norman Keys and Diane Jackson have stood down from the Committee.
Susan Heaps has joined.
The Officers remain the same.
- The crack and damp around the chimney have been repaired.
- Instead of the Christmas Bazaar this year we will have a meal and Grand Raffle.
- The Fete on 21st June will start at 1pm with the barbecue and wine etc as last year.
- The new upholstered chairs are not for loan or hire and are not to go out of the Hall.
- Stallholders meeting 14th May 8pm.
- Next meeting 16th July at 8pm.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Highlights for 9th January 2008

A new cooker is now in place in the kitchen.
The Hall has passed its premises licence inspection and the large crack above the chimney has been repaired.
The Christmas Bazaar raised £1,316, slightly up on last year.
More ideas and volunteers are needed for fundraising.
Next Meeting: AGM 9th APRIL at 8pm. Everyone is welcome.